Saturday, August 29, 2009

Tranformation not termination

Soul is new to me. I for sure don't think of it as some kinda holly god thing but i do think there's more to things then just our experiences here on earth. And i don't think its possible to destroy anything, everything just transforms. A good example is a bowl of weed. Once smoked people would say its gone. But it has actually transformed into multiple things. There's the ash left in the bowl, the smoke that burned off the weed that wasn't smoked, the smoke that got sucked into your lungs and then changed and released out your mouth. plus there's even the resin that stores in the pipe. so just like there's a huge mess of molecules that gather to form the pot, the pot then takes these molecules and while smoked transforms them into all sorts of different things. The molecules are still there just re-arranged. Everything in the world is made of a map of molecules that combine and work together in a unexplainable way like watching a ballot. All the dancers (molecules) perform in perfect harmony without any form of communication. Its like collective consciousness. Another way to look at just how things come into reality is this. The Sun alone does not produce heat or light by itself like a radio tower doesn't produce music without a radio to transform the radio waves into actual sound waves, the waves are there but none existent for us to see. For space is both dark and cold. The phenomenon of light and heat doesn't occur until the gamma and radiation waves enter our atmosphere and react with the ones that are released by the earth. Its like when you look at a wall your actually seeing waves from vibrating molecules witch then react to the visual waves your eyes put out and then return to you head with the location and visual perceptions of the object, our eyes work like a dolphins or bats echolocation.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Great Things to Read

Here are some great books that everyone should get and read and pass around to friends.
Holographic Universe, Michael Talbot.

Behold A Pale Horse, By William Cooper.

Nothing in this book is true, but its exactly the way things are, by Bob Frissel

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sugar in space

According to Science@NASA

Scientist have discovered Glycolalehyde, A molecular cousin to table sugar, in an interstellar molecular cloud.

The prospects for life in the Universe just got sweeter, with the first discovery of a simple sugar molecule in space. The discovery of glycolaldehyde in a giant cloud of gas and dust near the center of our own Milky Way Galaxy was made by scientists using the National Science Foundation’s 12 Meter Telescope, a radio telescope on Kitt Peak, Arizona.

“The discovery of this sugar molecule in a cloud from which new stars are forming means it is increasingly likely that the chemical precursors to life are formed in such clouds long before planets develop around the stars,” said Jan M. Hollis of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD.

“This discovery may be an important key to understanding the formation of life on the early Earth,” agreed Philip Jewell of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO). Conditions in interstellar clouds may, in some cases, mimic the conditions on the early Earth, so studying the chemistry of interstellar clouds may help scientists understand how bio-molecules formed early in our planet’s history. In addition, some scientists have suggested that Earth could have been “seeded” with complex molecules by passing comets, made of material from the interstellar cloud that condensed to form the Solar System.

Glycolaldehyde, an 8-atom molecule composed of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen, can combine with other molecules to form the more-complex sugars Ribose and Glucose. Ribose is a building block of nucleic acids such as RNA and DNA, which carry the genetic code of living organisms. Glucose is the sugar found in fruits. Glycolaldehyde contains exactly the same atoms, though in a different molecular structure, as methyl formate and acetic acid, both of which were detected previously in interstellar clouds. Glycolaldehyde is a simpler molecular cousin to table sugar.

Glycolaldehyde, the simplest sugar, compared to more complex sugar forms that occur naturally (i.e., the D-sugars). Note that the structure of glycolaldehyde is contained in both Ribose and Glucose. Ribose sugars make up the backbone of the ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecule which is involved in protein synthesis in living cells. Glucose, the most common sugar, occurs in plant saps and fruits. Credit: NRAO.

The sugar molecule was detected in a large cloud of gas and dust some 26,000 light-years away, near the center of our Galaxy. Such clouds, often many light-years across, are the material from which new stars are formed. Though very rarefied by Earth standards, these interstellar clouds are the sites of complex chemical reactions that occur over hundreds of thousands or millions of years. So far, about 120 different molecules have been discovered in these clouds. Most of these molecules contain a small number of atoms, and only a few molecules with eight or more atoms have been found in interstellar clouds.

“Finding glycolaldehyde in one of these interstellar clouds means that such molecules can be formed even in very rarefied conditions,” added Hollis.

“We hope this discovery inspires renewed efforts to find even more kinds of molecules, so that, with a better idea of the total picture, we may be able to deduce the details of the prebiotic chemistry taking place in interstellar clouds,” Hollis said.

I believe that these discoveries help feed primordial soup theory, RNA theories, evolutionary biology theories of how life started. 

Garbage Island

Its so disturbing that will create so much waste without any proper way to dispose of it. This is a real place that is effecting the ecosystem in a horrible way.
There is still plenty of politicians out there that deny global warming.
There are still tons of people out there that deny our effects on the environment.
But what hurts us the most is the tons of us that choose to ignore the Truth.
Of course fixing a problem as big as this is out of our reach, but that should not be a excuse for not striving to make some kind of changes. We can not take back what we have done, But we must not continue on as we have.
This Earth has been around for a extremely long time. We've played a incredible small role here on this planet, But its so sad that our role is to destroy our own home.