Saturday, August 29, 2009

Tranformation not termination

Soul is new to me. I for sure don't think of it as some kinda holly god thing but i do think there's more to things then just our experiences here on earth. And i don't think its possible to destroy anything, everything just transforms. A good example is a bowl of weed. Once smoked people would say its gone. But it has actually transformed into multiple things. There's the ash left in the bowl, the smoke that burned off the weed that wasn't smoked, the smoke that got sucked into your lungs and then changed and released out your mouth. plus there's even the resin that stores in the pipe. so just like there's a huge mess of molecules that gather to form the pot, the pot then takes these molecules and while smoked transforms them into all sorts of different things. The molecules are still there just re-arranged. Everything in the world is made of a map of molecules that combine and work together in a unexplainable way like watching a ballot. All the dancers (molecules) perform in perfect harmony without any form of communication. Its like collective consciousness. Another way to look at just how things come into reality is this. The Sun alone does not produce heat or light by itself like a radio tower doesn't produce music without a radio to transform the radio waves into actual sound waves, the waves are there but none existent for us to see. For space is both dark and cold. The phenomenon of light and heat doesn't occur until the gamma and radiation waves enter our atmosphere and react with the ones that are released by the earth. Its like when you look at a wall your actually seeing waves from vibrating molecules witch then react to the visual waves your eyes put out and then return to you head with the location and visual perceptions of the object, our eyes work like a dolphins or bats echolocation.

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