Saturday, April 18, 2009


Now I know this is a sensitive subject for a lot of people as it should be, but because of that I feel it is of the most importance. 9/11 was a inside job. There are millions that know this companies and organizations that spend a lot of money and time trying to prove this or at least keep in peoples minds that it is the truth. Now there are a lot of videos on youtube such as Zeitgiest and Loose Change that go into the details of this extensively.
Now You can argue over all of these details all you want but there are several key things you cant deny like that the steel used for the steel beams couldn't even be melted at the temperature that jet fuel burns at, especially upon a impact when most the fuel would have burned up upon impact. and the molten metal cuts in the base of the support beams. Or most importantly that the buildings both feel at free fall speed, and the whole damn thing looked like a planned demolition. Along with the twin towers and building 7 the pentagon and the plane in the field there are a lot of unanswered questions that could easily be answered through things like security camera footage from surrounding hotels and buildings that would prove once and for all what happened but the government refuses to release them.

I think if they weren't guilty they wouldn't have had to confiscate them to began with. How can we turn our heads on those that where hurt by our own actions. How can we just forget the Truth! Everyone that day saw some unexplainable shit that we need to resolve. Every damn news broadcast at the time shooting footage of the towers even admitted that it looked like a controlled demolition. I was home from work that day watching it with my own two eyes along with 90% of the world and I know I'm not the only one to have noticed these things. Anyone that witnessed these horrific event in person or on tv or what ever, and doesn't stand up for finding out the truth of what happened is just as guilty as those that where in charge.

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