Monday, April 13, 2009


"The Secret" is about the powers of attraction (not so much like love) but like being able to literally attract things to you. Anything, from money to that special someone to a parking spot at the mall. Now its said to do so it requires positive thought and energy and it is extremely hard to control because our sub conscious can project a lot of things out that we do not even mean to. But the bases of it is you think happy positive things and well happy positive things will happen to you. I truly believe in this idea and have personally witnessed it on several accounts. I always try to tell anyone i can about it because while yes I do know a lot of these things can and are just a coincidence but for how long can you say that that is all that it is? Just a coincidence. 
I'm sure we've all had a thing or two either good or bad that has happened to use that you would swear you Knew was going to happen, or maybe you dreamt it? what if it was just a thought, one from long ago that your brain projected that has just been drifting around in space collecting meaning and some kind of density to it. "Projected" you might think? Well yes projected. I know that every thought that we think up is projected like a radio wave, I believe these to be alpha and beta waves? And well we all know there's wave frequencies that we can't pick up on, but many other animals or maybe even psychics could pick up on? I'll explaine more in future blogs about these topics. 

So back to projecting thought. What if where just little mentally projecting speakers wondering around catching breaks as to what we call luck and coincidence or prayer and accident, Because we cannot focus our thought on just one thing. After all doesn't it feel like there's already to many damn things to remember right now as it is. If we didn't have to work 40+ hours a week and have so much stress in our lives then just how much of our brains would we use then? I know if I could stay home all day I would finally finish all my works of art and get started on the many dreams i have. But to have to Focus so Much on our "everyday" lives leaves little power left for our own means. I tell my self every day I've gotta start that painting or get on those designs but no matter how much mental dedication you have very little can be done when you are to warn out. Because trust me you cannot come up with shit artistically if you are drained.

Ok so the point is. The Secret is real. Through out my blogs i hope you can see why I believe so. So please everyone start thinking about what you really want and really put some mental focus on it. Then when things start to happen take note of it. Once you start noticing the little things come into focus the bigger ones don't seem so far away. 

1 comment:

  1. This is so true. Your mind has so much control over everything in your life. You create your own reality. Most people don't realize it. The brain is a muscle, you have to exercise it people! Ryan I think you expanded on the idea of the Secret and you have incorporated your own ideas into it very well. :)
