Tuesday, April 7, 2009

life after cells

Ok so physical bodies are just physical cells doing a physical dance correct? so when the dance is over and the cells are done what happens? I simple believe that no matter can be destroyed. Just transformed. When a fire burns down a tree, the tree is reduced to ash and smoke. The smoke is dispersed into the air and the ash into the ground.  So when we die couldn't it be safe to say that the same would happen to us. And what if that's just it, what if after life our mental part of our bodies (the part composing the dance) just simply leaves the physical world.  Now does that means it is instantly sent to go wait outside a glorious gate in a long line to be sentenced to damnation for a life time of not living in the light of the Divine creator? lol. I hope not. Why would a soul adhere to such rules? And why would a all powerful creature want such worship from his subjects? I cannot believe that If there where a heaven it would be a monarchy condemning people to a life outside the Great pearly gates. 

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